A New Mexico based startup called Planetoid Mines Corporation has just completed development of an autonomous robotic platform for mining the moon or other extraterrestrial worlds via in situ resource utilization. The system features a multi-head icy regolith extractor that feeds directly into an ore beneficiation tool, the output of which is channeled to an onboard oven that extrudes 3D printed structures via a robotic arm.
Through a post on his LinkedIn profile, CEO Kevin DuPriest says “Our self-contained system provides end-to-end continuous mining operations with multiple excavator heads, mineral concentration through beneficiation, a pyrometallurgy oven and thermal printing head. Using lunar surface minerals the system can print landing pads, extrude fused quartz rods, large antenna arrays, etc. ISRU platform designed to fit most lunar landers.”
The company’s website highlights a solid oxide hydrogen fuel cell and steam electrolysis stack that can split lunar water into hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel while generating heat and power on-demand. There is even potential dual use benefits of the ISRU architecture for mining on Earth. The website intimates the possibility of a mission to the Moon by 2022, but provides no further details on suppliers of launch or lander services.
In a recent Tweet DuPriest announced the company is considering going public through a Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation (SPAC) and looking for partners to assist with cislunar infrastructure and logistics for mission operations.