A novel ablative arc mining process for ISRU

Illustration of Ablative Arc Mining Process. Credits: Amelia Greig

A NASA NIAC Phase 1 grant has been awarded to Amelia Greig of the University of Texas, El Paso to study an innovative mining technique called ablative arc mining. The process works by using a pair of electrodes to zap surface regolith with an electrical arc thereby ionizing it into its component constituents. The ablated ions are then sorted and collected by subjecting them to an electromagnetic field which separates the material groups by their respective mass. Such a system, when mounted on a mobile rover, could extract both water and metal ions in the same system.

The goal of the this grant is to identify a feasible ablative arc mining scheme for ISRU on upcoming lunar exploration sorties. The study will define the design of an ablative arc and electromagnetic transport system for extraction and collection of water, silicon, and nickel. The architecture should have an output of 10,000 kg/yr of water for use by lunar outposts or other operations. Finally, a trade study will be performed comparing the efficiency of the proposed concept against other ISRU processes such as microwave or direct solar heating which are designed to only collect a single constituent.

We’ll need ISRU methodologies to enable long-term space settlement on the Moon, Mars, in the Asteroid Belt or to support free space habitats. The ablative arc mining architecture may be an efficient alternative for extraction and collection of multiple volatile constituents in a single system when compared to methods that collect only one material at a time.

Power towers at the Peaks of Eternal Light

Peaks of Eternal Light at the lunar south pole annotated with crater labels. Mosaic of 40 images taken by the ESA SMART-1 spacecraft 2005/2006. Area covers 500 x 150 km. Credits: ESA/SMART-1/AMIE camera team; M. Ellouzi/B. Foing, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

As most space settlement enthusiasts know, the Peaks of Eternal Light on the rims of craters in the lunar polar regions hold much promise as the ideal location to place collectors for solar energy to power ice mining operations. At the south pole in particular, these peaks lie within just a few kilometers of large frozen water deposits in the permanently dark shallows. But how much solar power is available? Companies such as Trans Astronautica Corporation will want to know so they can inform plans for their Sun Flower™ collector invention as part of a Lunar Polar Mining Outpost.

In a paper posted this month on the pre-print server arXiv.org, a team of researchers at Harvard University and Technische Universität Berlin present the results of a study to answer this question. Using data from high resolution maps of solar illumination on the ridges of Shackleton crater and others, they determined the total available power from collector towers of various heights if they were placed at these locations.

The study found that the power available depends heavily on the height of the panels above the local surface but could be substantial, from a few megawatts for towers of heights less than 100m up to the gigawatt range for towers of 500m or more. This is sufficient power for mining several thousand tons of water per year from Shackleton crater.

Stability and limitations of environmental control and life support systems for space habitats

Image of Biosphere 2, a research facility to support the development of computer models that simulate the biological, physical and chemical processes to predict ecosystem response to environmental change. Credits: Biosphere 2 / University of Arizona

Once cheap access to space is realized, probably the most important technological challenge for permanent space settlements behind radiation protection and artificial gravity is a robust environmental control and life support system (ECLSS). Such a system needs to be reliably stable over long duration space missions, and eventually will need to demonstrate closure for permanent outposts on the Moon, Mars or in free space. In his thesis for a Master of Science Degree in Space Studies, Curt Holmer defines the stability of the complex web of interactions between biological, physical and chemical processes in an ECLSS and examines the early warning signs of critical transitions between systems so that appropriate mitigations can be taken before catastrophic failure occurs.

Holmer mathematically modeled the stability of an ECLSS as it is linked to the degree of closure and the complexity of the ecosystem and then validated it against actual results as demonstrated by NASA’s Lunar-Mars Life Support Test Project (LMLSTP), the first autonomous ECLSS chamber study designed by NASA to evaluate regenerative life support systems with human crews. The research concluded that current computer simulations are now capable of modeling real world experiments while duplicating actual results, but refinement of the models is key for continuous iteration and innovation of designs of ECLSS toward safe and permanent space habitats.

This research will be critical for establishing space settlements especially with respect to how much consumables are needed as “buffers” in a closed, or semi-closed life support system, when the model’s metrics indicate they are needed to mitigate instabilities. Such instabilities were encountered during the first test runs of Biosphere 2 in the early 1990s.

As SpaceX races to build a colony on Mars, they will need this type of tool to help plan the life support system. Holmer believes that completely closed life support systems for relatively large long term settlements are at least 15 to 20 years away. That means that SpaceX will need to resupply materials and consumables due to losses in their initial outpost who’s life support system in all probability will not be completely closed during the early phases of the project over the next decade. Even SpaceX cannot reduce launch costs low enough to make long term resupply economically viable. They will eventually want to drive toward a fully self sustaining ECLSS. That said, depending on how the company funds its initiatives and sets up it’s supply chains, they may not need a completely closed system for quite some time.

Of course there are sources of many of the consumables on Mars that could support a colony but not all the elements critical for ecosystems, such as nitrogen, are abundant there. There are sources of some consumables outside the Earth’s gravity well which could lower transportation costs and extend the timeline needed for complete closure. SSP covered the SHEPHERD asteroid retrieval concept in which icy planetesimals, some containing nitrogen and other volatiles needed for life support, could be harvested from the asteroid belt and transported to Mars as a supply of consumables for surface operations. TransAstra Corporation is already working on their Asteroid Provided In-situ Supplies family of flight systems that could help build the infrastructure needed for this element of the ecosystem. It may be a race between development of the competing technologies of a self-sustaining ECLSS vs. practical asteroid mining. The bigger question is if humans can thrive long term on the surface of Mars under .38G gravity. In the next century, O’Neill type colonies, perhaps near a rich source of nitrogen such as Ceres, may be the answer to where safe, long term space settlements with robust ECLSS habitats under 1G will be located.

Curt Holmer appeared recently on the The Space Show discussing his research. I called the show and asked if he had used his modeling to analyze the stability of ecosystems sized for an O’Neill-type colony. He said he had only studied habitats up to the size of the International Space Station, but that it was theoretically possible to analyze this larger ecosystem. He said he would like to pursue further studies of this nature in the future.

DARPA announces Novel Orbital and Moon Manufacturing, Materials and Mass-efficient Design (NOM4D) program

Artist’s concept of projects which could benefit from DARPA’s (NOM4D) plan for robust manufacturing in space. Credits: DARPA

Pronounced “NOMAD” the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency plan aims to develop technologies for adaptive, off-earth manufacturing to fabricate large structures in space and on the Moon.

Bill Carter, program manager in DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office explains in an announcement of the program, “We will explore the unique advantages afforded by on-orbit manufacturing using advanced materials ferried from Earth. As an example, once we eliminate the need to survive launch, large structures such as antennas and solar panels can be substantially more weight efficient, and potentially much more precise. We will also explore the unique features of in-situ resources obtained from the moon’s surface as they apply to future defense missions. Manufacturing off-earth maximizes mass efficiency and at the same time could serve to enhance stability, agility, and adaptability for a variety of space systems.”

The program will be split into three 18 month phases driven by metrics associated with progressively challenging exemplars such as respectively, a 1-megawatt solar array, a 100m diameter RF reflector, and finally IR reflective structures suitable for use in a segmented long-wave infrared telescope.

Lessons learned from the program could be applied to on-orbit manufacturing operations by commercial space companies as launch costs come down and access to cislunar space becomes more routine for both government and commercial entities.

Project MOONRISE demonstrates 3D printed regolith structures under lunar gravity conditions

Artist impression of the MOONRISE laser mounted on a lunar rover for fabrication of structures on the Moon. Credits: Laser Zentrum Hannover / 3D Printing Industry

A German company called Laser Zentrum Hannover .eV in partnership with the Technical University of Braunschweig has been working on a project called MOONRISE which aims to use laser technology to build a village on the Moon out of lunar regolith. Toward that end, the team for the first time has demonstrated the ability to 3D print structures out of simulated lunar regolith under lunar gravity conditions. The results of their experiments are described in an article in 3D Printing Industry.

The research was carried out in the Leibniz University Hannover’s Einstein-Elevator, a large-scale drop tower device in which experiments can be run under variable gravity conditions at a high repetition rate.

Initiated in 2019, Project MOONRISE is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and is focused on improving the technology readiness level of additive manufacturing using lunar regolith as building material.

Survey of industry experts on challenges of lunar ISRU by 2040

Artist impression of ISRU activities on the Moon. Credits: NASA

What do space experts in industry and academia think will be the technical and policy challenges to overcome for a sustainable lunar outpost leveraging ISRU by 2040 to be realized? A survey using the Delphi method has just been completed to answer this question. The results were just released as a pre-proof in Acta Astronautica. Significant contributors in the fields of ISRU technologies, space architecture, power systems, and space exploration participated in the survey.

There was a group consensus that NASA’s Artemis mission returning humans to the Moon would be delayed by at least 2 years from the previous administration’s target of 2024 due to uncertainty in U.S. policy over the next few years. No surprise here. There was also agreement that ISRU processes could add significant power requirements on the order of 1 MW to a lunar base, and that photovoltaic systems were preferred over nuclear power sources because of a “…political distaste for space nuclear power systems”. Of particular note, the survey participants could not reach agreement on the impact that Covid-19 would have on space exploration.

Where should we get oxygen on the Moon?

Artist impression of activities at a Moon Base which could include oxygen production. Credits: ESA – P. Carril

Kevin Cannon of the Cannon Group at the Colorado School of Mines can help find the answer. In a recent post on his Planetary Intelligence blog, the Assistant Professor of Geology and Geological Engineering describes a trade study comparing extraction of oxygen from regolith such as Metalysis’ ESA funded study to getting O2 from ice mining at the lunar poles as favored by NASA. Nothing stands out from a cursory look at the pros and cons of each approach.

In a more data driven analysis to compare apples to apples, Cannon examines energy costs of mining oxygen and plots it against the amount of bulk material that has to be processed to produce an equal amount of O2 from different sources ranging from plain silicate regolith to various grades of water ice endmembers. The analysis even includes processing material from various types of asteroid resources. The types of ice/regolith mixtures can vary widely as described in one of Cannon’s tweets.

Artist’s impression of different types of water ice / regolith endmembers. Credits: Lena Jakaite / strike-dip.com / Colorado School of Mines

Cannon’s analysis reaches the conclusion that “At 1.5-2% water by weight, icy regolith is essentially on par with O2-from-regolith on a joule for joule basis. In other words, if you had a pile of icy regolith already sitting on the surface, it makes sense to throw it out if the grade is less than about 1.5% and extract oxygen directly from the silicate regolith instead.”

More brilliance from the mind of Kevin Cannon can be found in these posts: Want to eat like a Martian in an environmentally friendly manner?, The logistics of dining off Earth, SpaceX will need suppliers for Mars settlement, The accessibility of lunar ice. And of course, don’t forget to visit kevincannon.rocks.

ArmorHab mission architecture for Mars Colonization

ArmorHab transport habitat configured for artificial gravity. Credits: Dark Sea Industries LLC / University of New Mexico / The Mars Society

The innovative ArmorHab mission architecture was presented at the Mars Society Conference in 2016. This novel approach should be considered as part of a strategy for settlement of the Red Planet. The concept integrates several engineering solutions for habitat design to address radiation protection, life support, and transportation while leveraging in situ resource utilization to enhance crew health, safety and reduce costs.

The basic building block of the architecture is a cylindrical Mylar shell wrapped in superconductive tape providing radiation protection through emulation of a magnetosphere. This structure is encased in a protective aerogel for strength and insulation including layers of water ice to further protect the crew from micrometeorites and algae bioreactors for scrubbing carbon dioxide for life support.

ArmorHab wall structure with superconducting tape for radiation protection and algae bioreactors for life support. Credits: Dark Sea Industries LLC / University of New Mexico / The Mars Society

Leveraging Buzz Aldrin’s Mars Cycler invention, the plan starts by building out infrastructure in cislunar space including automated factories on the Moon, then expanding out to Mars with space stations, cycling habitats and connecting “trucks” to provide transport to and from the surface of each destination.

Illustration of cycler model showing six TransportHabs, three space stations and a Mars Truck. Credits: Dark Sea Industries LLC / University of New Mexico / The Mars Society

SAM: Space Analog for the Moon and Mars

Exterior view of SAM. Credits: samb2.space
Interior view of greenhouse controlled environment with depiction of SIMOC temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide level control panel. Credits: samb2.space

Located at the iconic Biosphere 2 facility in Arizona, SAM is a hi-fidelity, hermetically sealed science center about to begin cutting edge research into environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS). The facility will host researchers to perform experiments on plant physiology, regolith chemistry, food cultivation and a host of other studies in the context of a space habitat analog.

Utilizing the original Test Module which completed three closed cycles to test water and human waste recycling prior to the main Biosphere 2 facility construction, SAM will be fitted with an airlock and pressurized enclosure including quarters for research crews to stay up to two weeks at a time.

Of particular interest, SAM in partnership with National Geographic, will help validate SIMOC, an interactive closed-loop life support system simulator based on authentic NASA data. Feedback from SAM will refine the SIMOC mathematical model that balances food, air, water, agriculture and solar energy to support humans in a closed ECLSS.

SIMOC was developed though a grant by Arizona State University’s Interplanetary Initiative. Unveiled at the Mars Society 23 Annual International Convention last October (see page 87 of the Conference Abstract) the software is licensed and hosted by the National Geographic Society for integration into classrooms globally where curricula is provided for teachers to get students involved as citizen scientists to design habitats to sustain human life on the Moon and Mars.

Screen shot of SIMOC habitat interactive simulation software. Credits: Kai Staats / National Geographic Society

As stated on the SAM at B2 website:

“There is no single-run experiment that results in the ideal solution for providing breathable air, recycled water, food and waste reprocessing. Rather, we will see an unfolding of experiments, findings, and prototypes for decades to come. Much as farming evolved from the art of crop rotation to the science of genetically modified organisms, living on the Moon, Mars, and in free space will demand constant improvements in our systems as more humans move to off-world homes.”

Kai Staats, Director at SAM, was a recent guest on The Space Show where he provided a history of the creation of the facility and his role in developing SIMOC.

UK company aims to turn lunar soil into oxygen

Artist’s depiction of a future lunar base 3D printed from local materials. Credits: ESA/Foster + Partners

A British company called Metalysis as been funded by ESA to study their industrial-scale production of metals and alloys for application in a lunar environment. Metalysis has already demonstrated that they can extract 96% of the total oxygen content from ilmenite, a black iron-titanium oxide with a chemical composition of FeTiO3 found by Apollo astronauts to be abundant in lunar regolith. The process leaves a metallic powder alloy that can be used for in-situ 3D printing on the Moon.

In a press release last month, Metalysis states that “The project will provide an assessment to prepare and de-risk technology developments, focused towards oxygen production for propellants and life support consumables. The ability to extract oxygen on the moon is vital for future exploration and habitation, being essential for sustainable long duration activities in space. In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) will significantly reduce the payload mass that
would be needed to be launched from Earth.”