Mars is currently not very hospitable to life, although it may have been billions of years ago. Many Mars settlement advocates and science fiction writers dream of the turning the Red Planet green by terraforming its atmosphere to make it more Earth-like. Even partially changing smaller regions, i.e. para-terraforming, would be a good first step.
To get things started it would be helpful if there were organisms that could survive the frigid temperatures, low ambient pressure and harsh radiation on Mars while helping to boost the oxygen levels in the atmosphere and assisting with soil fertility. Fortunately, there is a desert moss called Syntrichia caninervis that fits the bill. In a report in the journal The Innovation a team* of Chinese researchers present results of a study that demonstrate the extremotolerance of this plant to conditions on the Red Planet. This hardy organism can withstand temperatures down to a frosty -197°C, has extreme desiccation tolerance recovering within seconds after losing 97% of its water content and is super resistant to gamma radiation.
S. canivervis is a pioneering organism that has wide distribution in extreme biomes on Earth, from the Gurbantunggut Desert in China to the Mojave Desert in the California . It plays a key role in development of biological soil crust, a type of widespread ground cover which is the precursor of fertile soil. A major source of carbon and nitrogen in arid regions, these so called “living skins of the Earth” are responsible for a quarter of the total nitrogen fixation of terrestrial ecosystems. As stated in the paper, this resilient moss “…has evolved several morphological mechanisms to adapt to extreme environments, including overlapping leaves that conserve water and shield the plant from intense sunlight and white awns at the tops of leaves that reflect strong solar radiation and enhance water utilization efficiency.”
To test the desiccation tolerance of S. caninervis the researchers subjected the organism to air-drying treatment followed by measurements of plant phenotypes, water content, photochemical efficiency and changes in leaf angle. The mosses exhibited an exceptional ability to recover rapidly after being dehydrated. Incredibly, the plants were observed to be green when hydrated, turned black as water was gradually extracted, then returned to green only after 2 seconds upon rehydration.
Extended low temperature tolerance was tested by placing two samples of the plants in a freezer set at -80o C for 3 and 5 years, respectively. Short duration extreme cold was studied by subjecting the samples to -196o C in a liquid nitrogen tank for 15 and 30 days. The plants were then cultivated normally to determine their ability to regenerate. Remarkably, in the 3 and 5 year long duration freezer cohorts, both sample branch regeneration rates recovered to approximately 90% of that observed in the control group after 30 days of growth. Similar results were noted for the plants subjected to the 15 and 30 day -196o C treatment with 95% regeneration rate when compared to the controls.
For radiation resistance, samples of S. caninervis were subjected to gradually increasing levels of gamma radiation from 500 Gy up to 16000 Gy. At the upper end of the range the plants died. However, the organism survived exposures up to 2000 Gy with regeneration of branches slightly delayed when compared to controls with no radiation exposure (most plants can’t tolerate more than 1000Gy). A surprising result was noted when exposure to 500 Gy actually increased the regeneration of branches vs no exposure. Humans are sickened by exposure to 2.5 Gy and die upon exposure to 50 Gy. These results demonstrate that S. caninervis has exceptional radiation tolerance.
Finally, simulated Mars conditions were tested by placing S. caninervis in an environmental chamber called the Planetary Atmospheres Simulation Facility operated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Parameters were set in the chamber to mimic Mars conditions in mid-latitude regions with temperatures dipping down to −60oC at night and rising to +20oC during the day; atmospheric pressure pegged at 650 Pascals ( 0.09 PSI); Martian atmospheric gasses set to match Martian conditions ( 95% CO2, 3% N2, 1.5% Ar, 0.5% O2); and the expected ultraviolet radiation flux tuned across the UVA, UVB, and UVC wavelength bands. The treatments were applied for 1, 2, 3, and 7 days and then regeneration of branches was measured and compared to control samples. The results showed that S. caninervis can survive in a simulated Mars environment regenerating branches after 15 days of recovery. This hardy moss, having evolved to colonize extremely dry, cold environments on Earth make it ideally suited as a pioneer species to start the process of greening Mars, helping to establish an ecosystem through oxygen production, carbon sequestration, and generation of fertile soil.

Of course terraforming Mars may take many years, perhaps centuries. In the near term, an ancient farming method called intercropping could help boost the yields of vegetables grown on Mars to sustain a healthy settler’s diet. The technique coordinates the cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously in close proximity. In a research article in PLOS ONE scientists at the Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands describe the method of soil based food production using Martian regolith simulate. The researchers acknowledge that some processing of Martian regolith will be required to remove toxic components such as perchlorates. Research on these techniques is already underway. The study found that intercropping “…shows promise as a method for optimizing food production in Martian colonies.”
* Authors of the Report The extremotolerant desert moss Syntrichia caninervis is a promising pioneer plant for colonizing extraterrestrial environments:
Xiaoshuang Li 1, Wenwan Bai 1 2, Qilin Yang 1 2, Benfeng Yin 1, Zhenlong Zhang 3, Banchi Zhao 3, Tingyun Kuang 4, Yuanming Zhang 1, aoyuan Zhang 1
1 – State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Key Laboratory of Ecological Safety and Sustainable Development in Arid Lands, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
2 – University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3 – National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
4 – Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China