In a recent press release, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Toyota announced that they will name their crewed pressurized rover “Lunar Cruiser”. There have been some updates since we initially covered this topic. For instance, work this year progressed on simulations modeling power and heat dissipation while driving and the use of virtual reality to determine the layout of equipment in the vehicles’ cabin. In addition there have been discussions among over 100 partners in various industries of a “future lunar surface-based society” in an effort to “…gather the knowledge, experience and technological capabilities of enterprises from across a variety of industries in their attempt to realize their dream of sustaining continuous activities on the surface of the moon…”
Hopefully “Team Japan”, as the consortium is called, will take into consideration mitigation of the risks caused by lunar dust in the design and use studies of the Lunar Cruiser, as discussed in my presentation at the Moon Society’s Lunar Development Conference. At some point we hope to see the Lunar Cruiser navigating the network of roads that will hopefully be constructed as proposed by the Space Development Network. It may look like this: