Economic benefits from space mining

A fictional depiction of an ore ship servicing mining operations on an asteroid. Credits: DALL∙E 3

The clean energy transition away from fossil fuels promoted by the Biden Administration and other world governments will require significant increases in mining of critical materials for clean energy technology. To support the huge projected growth in solar, wind, and battery technologies over the next few decades, demand for key minerals such as lithium, graphite, nickel and rare-earth metals will balloon significantly according a 2021 report by the International Energy Agency: The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions. When compared to current supply levels, sourcing of these materials will need to grow by several hundred percent, with lithium in particular predicted to explode by 4,200% to keep pace with the needed battery production for EVs and other energy storage systems. There is insufficient mining capability in the world today to meet this demand, and if capacity were ramped up to these levels, there would be serious environmental and economic consequences. If we ignore other promising alternatives (which SSP does not advocate) such as ramping up licensing of new nuclear fission power plants and funding development of fusion energy or space solar power, what can be done?

In the journal PNAS, a research article makes the case for why mining in space may be a viable solution and help lay the foundation for sustainable growth on Earth. The author’s* objective for the paper was to perform a trade study on the economic outcomes associated with the environmental and social impacts of terrestrial mining compared to the costs of sourcing from asteroids, focusing primarily on metals required for the clean energy technologies such as copper, nickel cobalt and lithium. The methodology of the paper used a neoclassical Ramsey economic model to predict economic growth under those two scenarios. The study quantifies the economic benefits and projected timelines of mining in space for increasing metal use in clean technologies on Earth for the rest of this century and concludes that the reduction in costs due to environmental damage to our planet’s biosphere may be worth the investment in asteroid mining.

Along similar lines another economic analysis by Matthew Weinzierl makes the potential case for an expanding space economy as a solution to secular stagnation, that condition that some economists fear is happening in the US: a chronic lack of demand as if the economy is operating below capacity even when it appears to be booming. Weinzierl says “In simple terms, secular stagnation is the idea that a sluggish outlook for the economy causes people to save more and firms to invest less, and if interest rates cannot fall enough to spur investment (perhaps because of the sluggish outlook), the lack of investment makes the low-growth prospects all the more likely to be fulfilled, initiating a vicious cycle.” How could space development help prevent this problem? Space settlement, i.e. world building, would unlock abundant resources in the solar system to sustain not only capital investment in expanding economic activity, but robust population growth without limits.

An interesting perspective on off-Earth mining as a commercial engine driving a space economy, with a focus on a thriving Martian colony, was proposed a few years ago in a paper by Robert Shishko and others. The study examined the role of space mining in an economy based on mineral extraction, ice/water, and other resources obtained in situ on the Red Planet. The analysis provided a better understanding of the market conditions and technology requirements for that economy to grow and prosper. This approach would definitely benefit from the recent discovery of massive amounts of subsurface water ice under the Medusae Fossae Formation near the equator of Mars.

Mars Express radar image of subsurface water ice beneath the Medusae Fossae Formation near the equator of Mars. Credits: ESA

If an economic case can be made for space mining and funding secured, it will be dependent on the location of the most profitable and accessible space resources in terms of energy and abundance of useful material. Where will this motherlode for space mining be? SSP has covered this debate.

One of the companies on this frontier is UK based Asteroid Mining Corporation which has the goal of becoming the first profitable space resources business. The startup is working on an autonomous robotic platform call Space Capable Asteroid Robot Explorer with a roadmap that plans for revenue payout at each milestone with eventual return of asteroid resources in the mid-2030s.

Asteroid Mining Corporation’s Space Capable Asteroid Robotic Explorer. Credits: Asteroid Mining Corporation.

And of course readers of SSP are familiar with AstroForge, the company focusing on returning precious metals to Earth from asteroids.

Upon full maturation of AI and space-based robotics technology, it will be possible to autonomously restructure an asteroid to construct spin gravity space settlements using materials in situ.

Artist impression of a rotating space settlement under construction using material from an asteroid. Credits: Bryan Versteeg,


* Authors of research article in PMAS Mining in Space Could Spur Sustainable Growth: Maxwell Fleming, Ian Lange, and Sayeh Shojaeinia of the Colorado School of Mines; Martin Stuermer of the International Monetary Fund.

Curriculum for Astrochemical Engineering

An engineer pondering chemical processes for use in space learned in an advanced postgraduate course in Astrochemical Engineering. Credits: DALL∙E 3

In a paper in the journal Sustainability a global team of researchers has created a two year curriculum to train the next generation of engineers who will design the chemical processes for the new industrial revolution expected to unfold on the high frontier in the next few decades.

Current chemical engineering (ChE) training is not adequate to prepare the next generation of leaders who will guide humanity through the utilization of material resources in space as we expand out into the solar system.

Astrochemical Engineering is a potential new field of study that will adapt ChE to extraterrestrial environments for in situ resource utilization (ISRU) on the Moon, Mars and in the Asteroid Belt, as well as for in-space operations. The body of knowledge suggested in this paper, culminating in Master of Science degree, will provide training to inform the design ISRU equipment, life support systems, the recycling of wastes, and chemical processes adapted for the unique environments of microgravity and space radiation, all under extreme mass and power constraints.

The first year of the program focuses on theory and fundamentals with a core module teaching the physical science of celestial bodies of the solar system, low gravity processes, cryochemistry (extremely low temperature chemistry), and of particular interest, circular systems as applied to environmental control and life support systems (ECLSS) to recycle materials as much as possible. Students have the option to specialize in either process engineering or a more general concentration in space science.

For the process engineering option in year one, students will learn how materials and fluids behave in the extreme cold of space. This will include the types of equipment needed for processes in a vacuum environment including microreactors and heat exchangers, as well as methods for separation and mixing of raw materials.

In the space science specialization, year one will include production of energy and its utilization in space. Applications include solar energy capture and conversion to electricity, nuclear fission/fusion energy, artificial photosynthesis, and the role of energy in life support systems.

In the second year, students learn basic chemical processes for ISRU on other worlds. Processes such as electrolysis for cracking hydrogen and oxygen from water; and the reactions Sabatier, Fischer-Tropsch and Haber-Bosche for production of useful materials.

The second year process engineering specialization focuses on ISRU on the Moon with ice mining, processing regolith and fluid transport under vacuum conditions. Propulsion systems are also covered including methane/oxygen engines, hydrogen logistics, cryogenic propellent handling in space and both nuclear thermal and electric propulsion. Space science specialization in year two covers life support systems and space agriculture.

A design project is required at the end of each year to demonstrate comprehension of the concepts learned in the curriculum, and is split between an individual report and a group project.

Coupled with synthetic geology for unlocking a treasure trove of space materials in the Periodic Table, innovative equipment for ISRU on the drawing board and research on ECLSS, Astrochemical Engineering will be a valuable skill set for the next generation of pioneers at the dawn of the age of space resource utilization.

The emerging in-space manufacturing economy

Diagram depicting the market sectors of the nascent in-space economy. Credits: Erik Kulu / Factories in Space

Erik Kulu, a Senior Systems Engineer in the satellite industry, has a passion for emerging technologies…especially those in the in-space manufacturing field. He’s created the largest public database of companies active in the emerging in-space economy. Called Factories in Space, it tracks companies engaged in microgravity services, space resources, in-space transport services, the economies of LEO, cislunar space, the Moon and much more.

Kulu provides an overview of commercial microgravity applications for both terrestrial and in-space use. His listing and analysis of potential business ventures provides a comprehensive summary of unique profitable commodities manufactured in microgravity, including fiber optics, medical products, exotic materials and many more.

Breakdown of the in-space manufacturing sector of the space economy. Credits: Erik Kulu / Factories in Space

“This is the missing piece to speed up development for the exciting Star Trek-like future. I believe in-space manufacturing will be the kickstarter and foundation.”

In a recent industry survey examining the commercial landscape of space resources in 2021, Kulu renders a statistical breakdown of the currently evolving development stages of in-space manufacturing companies, levels of funding by market sector, timing of company founding and geographical location of the main players. His analysis shows a marked increase in the formation of companies from 2016 – 2018 dropping off over the last 3 years.

Prominent founding peak of space resource companies in 2018 with drop at end of the last decade. Credits: Erik Kulu / Factories in Space

I asked Kulu about what he thought caused the downward taper because it seemed to have started before the COVID-19 pandemic, and so was probably unrelated. He agreed, and offers this explanation:

“Primarily, I think the decline is a mix of following:

  1. There was a boom of some sorts, which has slowed down in terms of very new startups. Similar graphs [indicate the same trend] for nanosatellite, constellation and launcher companies. Funding boom is continuing though.
  2. As many of those space fields do not have obvious markets, some potential new actors might be in wait mode, because they want to see what happens financially and technically to existing companies.
  3. Startups could be in stealth mode or very early stage and as such I have not become aware of them yet. They will likely partially backfill.”

“While there was a decline, I forecast Starship and return to the Moon will kick off another wave in about 2-3 years.”

Kulu also tracks NewSpace commercial satellite constellations, small satellite rocket launchers and NewSpace funding options through his sister site NewSpace Index. But he doesn’t stop there. The world’s largest catalog of nanosatellites containing over 3200 nanosats and CubeSats can be found in his Nanosats database.

Learn more about how Erik Kulu got started tracking the in-space economy in this interview from earlier this year over on Filling Space. And be sure and tune in live to The Space Show next month when I cohost with David Livingston for his debut appearance, exact date to be determined. You can call the show and ask Erik questions directly. Check TSS Newsletter, updated weekly, for the show date once its set. This post will be updated when the schedule is finalized, so readers can check back here as well.

ESA envisions a space resource utilization program for the coming nascent space economy

Diagram depicting ESA’s program for space resource utilization such as harvesting lunar water and oxygen for rocket propellant and space manufacturing. Credits: Angeliki Kapoglou, ESA

A proposal submitted by ESA’s Angeliki Kapoglou, has been posted on the ESA website that defines a process for evaluating maturing technologies by the European space agency in cooperation with companies in the region. Called ESA Space Resources Utilisation Program, the proposal identifies the potential for a commercial market for water, oxygen and other products sourced from the Moon within the next decade as multiple space agencies plan for humans to return to the lunar surface. The program will position European countries and businesses to be major players in economic activities such as off-Earth propellant production, on-orbit refueling, autonomous in-space manufacturing using resources harvested from space, and robust construction on the lunar surface to support a sustained human presence.

The mission statement of the program is:

“Enable Europe through ESA to be well placed to benefit from the identification, acquisition, and development of space resources with important benefits for society on Earth. SRU will also provide an important reduction on the cost of other space missions…

We propose a series of small and rapid mission activities, to build capability and demonstrate key technologies for the utilisation of space resources. This will ensure that Europe is positioned for the Solar System gold rush that is coming and which will likely kick start with a cislunar economy with benefits for Earth. This constitutes a timely response to a rapidly evolving scenario for space resources.”

The program is expected to cost 100 million € and deliver key findings before the end of 2022.

Governance of space resources

Artist’s illustration of mining activity on the moon (Image: © James Vaughan)

In an essay in the The Space Review, Kamil Muzyka, a PhD Candidate at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, lays out the space governance framework for profitable and sustainable operations through intergovernmental agreements (IGA). According to Muzyka, any new regulation should address:

  • Safety and security of operations
  • Governance and reciprocal approach to authorization of space activities
  • Dispute resolution
  • A platform for information sharing for commercial, safety, and scientific use
  • A framework for processing, manufacturing, and construction using space objects with the use of obtained resources
  • Liability for damage caused by people and machines
  • The use of synthetic organisms within space objects or on the surface of a celestial body
  • Addressing the issues of extraterritorial intellectual property suits
  • Recommendations for space debris removal, recycling, reuse, and protection of national heritage sites (space objects and their direct vicinity) on the surface, subsurface, atmosphere, or orbit of a celestial body

The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group is already working on the Building Blocks of an International Framework on Space Resource activities that will lead to eventual codified space law in this area.

UFO: Investing in the space economy

Procure Space (Ticker symbol UFO) is a little known Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) available to average investors that is the only such vehicle focusing mainly on the space industry. Created by ProcureAM, LLC the ETF trades on the NASDAQ stock exchange. The objective of the fund is to track the S-Network Space Index which is designed to measure the performance of companies engaged in space-related industries. In the future, additional companies engaged in other space-related industries may emerge and be added to the index. These industries could include space colonization and infrastructure, among others.

Procure Space ETF (UFO) portfolio breakdown by industry sector and country. Graphic credit: ProcureAM

ESA solicits input for European Large Logistic Lander

An artist’s impression of astronauts unloading cargo from ESA’s European Large Logistic Lander. Image courtesy of ESA

In a video message from Jan Wörner, Director General, ESA is asking for ideas on how the agency’s new lander can explore the Moon in the late 2020s. Of particular interest are suggestions for strategies on for the best approaches to science, space resources and technology.

Diagram depicting the timeline and process for idea selection. Image courtesy of ESA

Living off the land (and air) on Mars

If we ever settle Mars, in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) is essential for sustainability of a Martian colony as dependence on Earth for resupply would be too expensive. UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab chemists are developing a biohybrid system which attaches bacteria to nanowires that when exposed to sunlight and locally available carbon dioxide and water, produce a useful organic compound called acetate. Acetate is a building block for a range of products including fuels, plastics, drugs or even yeast. A byproduct of the chemical reaction is oxygen, which could be used for breathable air. There is even a dual use on Earth for carbon capture.

A device to capture carbon dioxide from the air and convert it to useful organic products. On left is the chamber containing the nanowire/bacteria hybrid that reduces CO2 to form acetate. On the right is the chamber where oxygen is produced. (UC Berkeley photo by Peidong Yang)