Lunar landing pad trade study

Artist’s impression of a lunar landing pad. Credits: SEArch+

When humanity returns to the Moon and begins to build infrastructure for permanent settlements, propulsive landings will present considerable risk because rocket plumes can accelerate lunar dust particles in the bare regolith to high velocities which could result in considerable damage to nearby structures. Obviously, nothing can be done about the first spacecraft that will return to the moon later this decade unless they use their own rocket plume to create a landing pad like the concept proposed in a NIAC Grant by Masten Space Systems (now part of Astrobotic).

Flight Alumina Spray Technique (FAST) instant landing pad deployment during lunar landing. Source: Matthew Kuhns, Masten Space Systems Inc (now Astrobotic)

Therefore, before significant operations can begin on the Moon that require lots of rockets, a high priority will be construction of landing pads to prevent sandblasting by rocket plume ejecta of planned structures such as habitats, science experiments and other equipment. Several methods are currently being studied. Some require high energy consumption. Others could take a long time to implement. Still others are technologically immature. Which technique makes the most economic sense? Phil Metzger and Greg Autry examine options for the best approach to this urgent need in a November 2022 paper in New Space.

A lunar landing pad should have an inner and outer zone. The inner zone will have to withstand the intense heat of a rocket plume during decent and ascent. The outer zone can be less robust as the expanding gases will cool rapidly and decrease in pressure but will still be expanding rapidly, so erosion will have to be mitigated over a wider area.

Landing pad layout showing inner and outer zone measurements proposed in this study (Figure 1 in paper). Credits: Philip Metzger and Greg Autry / New Space – Lunar surface image credit: NASA.

Several processes of fabricating landing pads were examined by the authors. Sintering of regolith is one such technique, where dust grains are heated and fused by a variety of methods including microwave heating or focused solar energy. SSP has reported on the latter previously, but in this study it was noted that that technology needs further development work. Fabricating pavers by baking in ovens in situ was also examined in a addition to infusion of a polymer into the regolith to promote particle adhesion.

An economic model was developed to support construction of landing pads for NASA’s Artemis Program based on experimental data and the physics for predicting critical features of construction methods. Factors such as the equipment energy consumption, the mass of microwave generators compared to the power output needed to sinter the soil to specified thickness, and the mass of polymer needed to infuse the regolith to fabricate the pads were included in the model. Other factors were considered including the costs associated with program delays, hardware development, transportation of equipment to the lunar surface, and reliability.

When varying these parameters and comparing different combinations of manufacturing techniques, the trade study optimized the mass of construction equipment to balance the costs of transportation with program delays. The authors found that from a cost perspective, microwave sintering makes the most sense for both the inner and outer regions of the landing pad, at least initially. When transportation costs come down to below a threshold of $110K/kg then a hybrid combination of microwave sintering in the inner zone and polymer infusion of regolith in the outer zone makes the most sense.

Once astronauts land safely and begin EVAs on the lunar surface, they can keep from tracking dust into their habitat by taking an electron beam shower.

Other lunar dust problems and their risks can be mitigated with solutions covered previously on SSP.

ICON awarded $57 Million by NASA to develop lunar 3D printing technology for lunar surface construction

Conceptual illustration of Olympus, a lunar construction system based on in situ resource utilization. Credits: ICON

In a press release, the Austin based company reports how the Phase III award under NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program will be used to adapt its existing additive manufacturing process for home building on Earth to the Olympus system using lunar regolith for fabrication of structures on the Moon. ICON envisions the system to be integrated into a rover that will be delivered to the Moon via a lander. The rover will then autonomously drive to a target site where the Olympus laser 3D printer will process lunar regolith into useful structures. The system can be used for fabricating roads, landing pads and habitats out of local resources without having to bring building materials from Earth, thereby significantly lowering costs. Once the system is proven on the Moon, perhaps in the later stages of Artemis, the same technology can be applied on Mars as well.

ICON plans to test the system “…via a lunar gravity simulation flight” although no details were revealed on such a mission. Presumably, this would be a parabolic flight in the Earth’s atmosphere. The company would use samples of lunar soil brought back during the Apollo missions and lunar regolith simulant to tune the process variables of their laser 3D printing equipment operating under these conditions. Once optimized, Olympus would be placed on the Moon “…to establish the critical infrastructure necessary for a sustainable lunar economy including, eventually, longer term lunar habitation.”

“The final deliverable of this contract will be humanity’s first construction on another world, and that is going to be a pretty special achievement.”

– Jason Ballard, ICON co-founder and CEO

Dennis Wingo’s strategy for development of cislunar space and beyond

Image credit: NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University

The Cislunar Science and Technology Subcommittee of the White House Office Science and Technology Policy Office (OSTP) recently issued a Request for Information to inform development of a national science and technology strategy on U.S. activities in cislunar space.

Dennis Wingo provided a response to question #1 of this RFI, namely what research and development should the U.S. government prioritize to help advance a robust, cooperative, and sustainable ecosystem in cislunar space in the next 10 to 50 years?

In a prolog to his response Wingo reminds us that historically, NASA’s mission has focused narrowly on science and technology.  What is needed is a sense of purpose that will capture the imagination and support of the American people.    In today’s world there seems to be more dystopian predictions of the future than positive visions for humanity.  We seem to be dominated by fear of “…doom and gloom scenarios of the climate catastrophe, the degrowth movement, and many of the most negative aspects of our current societal trajectory.”  This fear is manifested by what Wingo defines as a “geocentric” mindset focused primarily within the material limitations of the Earth and its environs.

“The question is, is there an alternative to change this narrative of gloom and doom?”

He recommends that policy makers foster a cognitive shift to a “solarcentric” worldview: the promise of an economic future of abundance through utilization of the virtually limitless resources of the Moon, Asteroids, and of the entire solar system.  An example provided is to harvest the resources of the asteroid Psyche which holds a billion times the minable metal on Earth, and to which NASA had planned on launching an exploratory mission this year but had to delay it due to late delivery of the spacecraft’s flight software and testing equipment.

Artist rendering of NASA’s Psyche Mission spacecraft.  Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Arizona State Univ./Space Systems Loral/Peter Rubin

Back to the RFI, Wingo has four recommendations that will open up the solar system to economic development and address many of the problems that cause the geocentrists despair. 

First, we should make the Artemis moon landings permanent outposts with year long stays as opposed to 6 day “camping trips”. This should be possible with resupply missions by SpaceX as they ramp up Starship launch rates (assuming the launch vehicle and lander are validated in the same timeframe, which seems reasonable). Next, we need power and lots of it – on the order of megawatts.  This should be infrastructure put in place by the government to support commerce on the Moon.  By leveraging existing electrical power standards and production techniques, large scale solar power facilities could be mass produced at low cost on Earth and shipped to the moon before the capability of in situ utilization of lunar resources is established.  Some companies such as TransAstra already have preliminary designs for solar power facilities on the Moon.

Which brings us to ISRU.  The next recommendation is to JUST DO IT.  This technology is fairly straightforward and could be used to split oxygen from metal oxides abundant in lunar regolith to source air and steel.  Pioneer Astronautics is already developing what they call Moon to Mars Oxygen and Steel Technology (MMOST) for just this application.

Conceptual illustration of the Lunar OXygen In-situ Experiment (LOXIE) Production Prototype. Credits: Mark Berggren / Pioneer Astronautics

And lets not forget the wealth of in situ resources that could be unlocked via synthetic geology made possible by Kevin Cannon’s Pinwheel Magma Reactor.

Conceptual depiction of the Pinwheel Magma Reactor on a planetary surface in the foreground and in free space on a tether as shown in the inset. Credits: Kevin Cannon

Of course there is water everywhere in the solar system just waiting to be harvested for fuel and life support in a water-based economy.

Illustration of an ice extraction concept for collection of water on the Moon. Credits: George Sowers / Colorado School of Mines

Wingo’s final recommendation is industrialization of the Moon in preparation for the settlement of Mars followed by the exploration of the vast resources of the Asteroid Belt.  He makes it clear that this is more important than just a goal for NASA, which has historically focused on scientific objectives, and should therefore be a national initiative.

“…for the preservation and extension of our society and to preclude the global fight for our limited resources here.”

With the right vision afforded by this approach and strong leadership leading to its implementation, Wingo lays out a prediction of how the next fifty years could unfold. By 2030 over ten megawatts of power generation could be emplaced on the Moon which would enable propellant production from the pyrolysis of metal oxides and hydrogen production from lunar water.  This capability allows refueling of Starship obviating the need to loft propellent from Earth and thereby lowering the costs of a human landing system to service lunar facilities.  From there the cislunar economy would begin to skyrocket.

The 2040s see a sustainable 25% annual growth in the lunar economy with a burgeoning Aldrin Cycler business to support asteroid mining and over 1000 people living on the Moon.

By the 2050s, fusion reactors provide power and propulsion while the first Ceres settlement has been established providing minerals to support the Martian colonies.

“The sky is no longer the limit”

By sowing these first seeds of infrastructure a vibrant cislunar economy will enable sustainable settlement across the solar system. A solarcentric development mythology may be just what is needed to become a spacefaring civilization.

Artist’s concept of an O’Neill space colony. Credits: Rachel Silverman / Blue Origin

Making the MMOST of ISRU for the Moon and Mars

Conceptual illustration of the Lunar OXygen In-situ Experiment (LOXIE) Production Prototype. Credits: Mark Berggren / Pioneer Astronautics

Here’s a novel way to produce both oxygen and steel in situ on the Moon and eventually on Mars. Under a NASA SBIR Phase II Sequential Contract, Pioneer Astronautics along with team members Honeybee Robotics and the Colorado School of Mines are developing what they call Moon to Mars Oxygen and Steel Technology (MMOST), an integrated system to produce metallic iron/steel and oxygen from processed lunar regolith.

In a presentation at a meeting of the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium last month, Mark Berggren of Pioneer Astronautics gave an update on the team’s efforts. Progress has been made on several key processes under development as part of the overall manufacturing flow. Output products will include oxygen for either life support or rocket fuel oxidizer and metallic iron for additive manufacturing of lunar steel components.

MMOST process flow diagram. Credits: Mark Berggren / Pioneer Astronautics

The immediate next steps for the MMOST development program will be continual refinement of each process module, protocols for minimization of power requirements, demonstration of LOXIE in a vacuum environment and then optimization of mass, volume and power specifications for a scaled-up system toward flight readiness hardware.

Potential follow-on activities may include a robotic sub-scale LOXIE lunar flight experiment that could be sent to the Moon via a Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) lander. As part of the Artemis program crews could possibly demonstrate a pilot unit to validate manufacturing in the lunar environment. If successful, a full scale MMOST commercial system could come next in support of lunar base operations as part of a cis-lunar economy.

Masten’s Rocket Mining System

Artist depiction of a lander descending to the lunar surface carrying a rover housing Masten’s Rocket Mining System. Credits: Masten Space Systems

Called RocketM for Resource Ore Concentrator using Kinetic Energy Targeted Mining, Masten Space Systems has partnered with Honeybee Robotics and Lunar Outpost to design a novel system for blasting ice out of lunar regolith for ISRU under NASA’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge program.

Lunar Outpost rover decending to the lunar surface down a ramp deployed off a Masten lander. Credits: Masten Space Systems

RocketM equipment would be housed aboard a Lunar Outpost rover delivered to lunar surface via Masten’s lunar lander. After unloading, the rover would be robotically navigated by a geologic team to an excavation site in the Aitken Basin near the Moon’s south pole. Upon arrival over the target area, the RocketM dome is extended down to the surface to create a seal over the regolith. A rocket is then ignited in a series of 1/2 second pulses fluidizing the regolith into icy grains which are conveyed out of the dome via a Honeybee Robotics PlanetVac pneumatic sampling system for processing. Beneficiation of the particles is accomplished using an Aqua Factorem process for separation into purified ice and other useful components. Aqua Factorem has been covered by SSP in a previous post. The whole process would only take 5-10 minutes.

A view of the inner workings of RocketM showing a centrally located pressure dome extending down to form a seal on the lunar surface. Credits: Masten Space Systems
Cutaway view showing a 100lb thrust rocket engine firing half-second bursts to heat the regolith to a depth of 2 meters releasing icy grains for processing to extract water. Credits: Masten Space Systems.

The stored water can subsequently be electrolyzed using solar energy into hydrogen and oxygen for lunar operations. What is so exciting about this ISRU system is that the rocket engine can be refueled by the mined products enabling an estimated useful life of 5 years.

Masten has tested the system using simulated lunar regolith providing groundwork toward optimizing conditions within the pressure dome. Further testing is needed at the system level to validate flight readiness.

As stated on Masten’s blog: “Usable as drinking water, rocket fuel, and other vital resources, lunar ice extraction is critical to maintain a sustained presence on the Moon and allow future missions to Mars and beyond. It can also be used in conjunction with other volatiles found in lunar regolith, such as oxygen and methane, to support energy, construction, and manufacturing needs. There’s a lot of promise – water excavation is just step one!”

Watch Masten’s video describing the system.

Project MOONRISE demonstrates 3D printed regolith structures under lunar gravity conditions

Artist impression of the MOONRISE laser mounted on a lunar rover for fabrication of structures on the Moon. Credits: Laser Zentrum Hannover / 3D Printing Industry

A German company called Laser Zentrum Hannover .eV in partnership with the Technical University of Braunschweig has been working on a project called MOONRISE which aims to use laser technology to build a village on the Moon out of lunar regolith. Toward that end, the team for the first time has demonstrated the ability to 3D print structures out of simulated lunar regolith under lunar gravity conditions. The results of their experiments are described in an article in 3D Printing Industry.

The research was carried out in the Leibniz University Hannover’s Einstein-Elevator, a large-scale drop tower device in which experiments can be run under variable gravity conditions at a high repetition rate.

Initiated in 2019, Project MOONRISE is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and is focused on improving the technology readiness level of additive manufacturing using lunar regolith as building material.

Making oxygen from moondust with ROXY (and improving life on Earth)

Artist’s rendition of Airbus lunar lander with ROXY on board. Credits: Airbus

In a breakthrough experiment last month, a team led by Airbus Defence and Space (Friedrichshafen, Germany) has for the first time produced oxygen and other metals from simulated lunar soil with a proprietary process called Regolith to OXYgen and Metals Conversion, or ROXY. The revolutionary new process could be the core of an ISRU value chain on the moon, providing oxygen for habitats or rocket fuel, with added byproducts of metals and alloys as feedstock for additive manufacturing of building materials. This would significantly reduce the cost of settlements on the Moon as the construction materials could be fabricated in situ, without the need to be brought from Earth. Check out Airbus’ animation of ROXY here.

Airbus thinks that the ROXY reactor could have beneficial environmentally friendly applications on Earth as well:

“On Earth, ROXY opens a new pathway to drastically reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases that result from production of metals.” Since the process is essentially free of emissions “…these environmental impacts could be reduced, providing a significant contribution to the UN sustainability goals – another example of how space technologies can improve life on Earth”

Intuitive Machine’s PRIME-1 ice mining drill to be delivered to the Moon by 2022

Illustration of Intuitive Machines’ Lunar Lander. Credits: Intuitive Machines

As part of the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative, NASA has selected Intuitive Machines to deliver ice harvesting equipment called Polar Resources Ice Mining Experiment (PRIME-1) to the Moon’s south pole. In a press release from yesterday, Intuitive stated that the instrument package includes a drill to excavate ice ladened regolith and a mass spectrometer to characterize the volatiles, the data from which will be used by the VIPER mission to follow shortly thereafter. Knowing how much water is available and how accessible it is will inform subsequent in situ resource utilization efforts needed for sustainable human outposts planned for later this decade.

Spinning fiber from lunar regolith

A European student team call Ampex 20 is working on a project called MoonFiber which aims to automate production of glass fibers on the Moon. Applications include fabrication of composites, thermal insulation, fabrics and other products requiring woven material. Products made in-situ from local materials significantly reduce costs by not having to transport them from Earth.

Spinning unit capable to withstand the Moon environmental conditions. Image credit: Ampex 20

The MoonFiber project is being conducted by RWTH Aachen University in Germany. A teaser video is available here.

Resilient ExtraTerrestrial Habitats

Shirley Dyke, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering at Purdue University is the head of the school’s RETH (Resilient ExtraTerrestrial Habitats) Institute. Her work seeks an understanding of what characteristics make habitats safe through “cyber physical testing”, a discipline that combines computer models with physical testing to validate results. A habitat’s resilience level is paramount to this endeavor, which results in intelligently designed structures that mitigate risks of numerous hazards to humans anticipated in the lunar environment. Her team models the effects of meteoroid impacts, moon quakes, problems with lunar regolith (which is highly abrasive) and others that may impact the performance of outposts on the Moon.

Credits: Purdue University photo illustration/Mark Simons