ESA envisions a space resource utilization program for the coming nascent space economy

Diagram depicting ESA’s program for space resource utilization such as harvesting lunar water and oxygen for rocket propellant and space manufacturing. Credits: Angeliki Kapoglou, ESA

A proposal submitted by ESA’s Angeliki Kapoglou, has been posted on the ESA website that defines a process for evaluating maturing technologies by the European space agency in cooperation with companies in the region. Called ESA Space Resources Utilisation Program, the proposal identifies the potential for a commercial market for water, oxygen and other products sourced from the Moon within the next decade as multiple space agencies plan for humans to return to the lunar surface. The program will position European countries and businesses to be major players in economic activities such as off-Earth propellant production, on-orbit refueling, autonomous in-space manufacturing using resources harvested from space, and robust construction on the lunar surface to support a sustained human presence.

The mission statement of the program is:

“Enable Europe through ESA to be well placed to benefit from the identification, acquisition, and development of space resources with important benefits for society on Earth. SRU will also provide an important reduction on the cost of other space missions…

We propose a series of small and rapid mission activities, to build capability and demonstrate key technologies for the utilisation of space resources. This will ensure that Europe is positioned for the Solar System gold rush that is coming and which will likely kick start with a cislunar economy with benefits for Earth. This constitutes a timely response to a rapidly evolving scenario for space resources.”

The program is expected to cost 100 million € and deliver key findings before the end of 2022.

ESA seeks innovative ideas on space solar power

Artist’s concept of solar power satellite. Credits: John Mankins / Forbes

The European Space Agency is soliciting submission of abstracts on ideas for development of space-based solar power that would address some of the technological bottlenecks preventing feasible realization. In a campaign for new ideas under its Open Space Innovation Platform, the Agency is seeking novel proposals for space-based solar power systems for applications on the Earth, Moon or Mars. They also are seeking methods of scaling and integrating space-based solar power into energy grids, in-space construction techniques and early in-space demonstration concepts.

Awards of 90,000€, 100,000€ or 175,000€ are being offered for ideas that would be implemented as co-funded research, system studies or early technology demonstrations, respectively.

ESA solicits input for European Large Logistic Lander

An artist’s impression of astronauts unloading cargo from ESA’s European Large Logistic Lander. Image courtesy of ESA

In a video message from Jan Wörner, Director General, ESA is asking for ideas on how the agency’s new lander can explore the Moon in the late 2020s. Of particular interest are suggestions for strategies on for the best approaches to science, space resources and technology.

Diagram depicting the timeline and process for idea selection. Image courtesy of ESA

ESA laying plans for lunar resource prospecting

The European Space Agency is developing a drill and analysis package called Prospect designed to extract water from lunar regolith. The miniature laboratory will fly to the Moon on Luna-27, a Russian spacecraft. Landing site selection is underway but no target date for the mission has been set.