Moon Diver – robotic exploration of lunar lava tubes

At the 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference earlier this month, a paper was presented describing a mission concept for a two-wheeled tethered robotic rover to explore lava tubes on the Moon.  In addition to the scientific value of these windows into the lunar crust, lava tubes are ready-made natural structures that provide radiation protection, shielding from micrometeorites, and a shelter from the extreme temperature swings of the lunar surface.  Perfect for lunar settlements!

Advances in Space Based Solar Power

Caltech researchers have come up with an innovative lightweight tile assembly that combines collection of solar energy, conversion to microwaves and transmission of the power via an antenna.  The modular design can be combined into an array enabling transmission of power where it is needed in space.  Combining these three functionalities into scalable modular units is a significant development toward realization of space based solar power.

Check out the AIAA paper here: