A definition of space settlement

Dale L. Skran of the National Space Society breaks down the term differentiating between individual permanent habitats and the general creation of a grander association of colonies:

“ ‘A space settlement’ refers to a habitation in space or on a celestial body where families live on a permanent basis, and that engages in commercial activity which enables the settlement to grow over time, with the goal of becoming economically and biologically self-sustaining as a part of a larger network of space settlements. ‘Space settlement’ refers to the creation of that larger network of space settlements.”

The Art of Bioneering

In a previous post I mentioned Dr. Jim Logan’s concept for space settlements in a cored out section of Deimos presented at the Bioneering Panel at SSI 50. A string of 10 Island One settlements would be placed in a 15km x 1/2km tunnel bored through the Martian moon. Videos of the Panel have been posted and details of the concept can be found at 1:47:23

EXPAT: Expandable Shielded Rotating Space Habitat

Anthony Longman of Skyframe Research presented his concept for a free space settlement built from Asteroid materials at the Space Studies Institute SSI 50 last September.  The system uses a structural design concept called Tensegrity to start small from an 8.5m pressure hull and expand iteratively to progressively larger stages ending with a habitat large enough for 8000 people.  The final structure contains 90 acres of managed woodland complete with outdoor mall space and over 5 floors of living quarters.  Longman appeared recently on The Space Show to provide further details of the concept.  His presentation can be found at timestamp 1:32 into the SSI 50: 01 Habitat Design Presentation.

Elon Musk vs. Planetary Protection

If humanity is to settle Mars, with Elon Musk leading the way, the issue of biological contamination of the planet’s surface by humans will need to be resolved in the context of the Outer Space Treaty.  This article presents a reasonable compromise proposing a system of three zones partitioned for science, habitation, and resource utilization. This approach minimizes contamination while providing for scientific exploration and Musk’s settlements.

Destination Deimos – prime real estate for space settlement

At SSI 50, the Space Settlement Enterprise conference sponsored by the Space Studies Institute, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Jim Logan, a medical doctor with 22 years experience as a NASA Flight Surgeon where he served as Chief, Flight Medicine and Chief, Medical Operations.  Dr. Logan along with former Flight Dynamics Officer Dan Adamo, developed a strong argument in 2014 for Deimos as the ideal destination for initial space outposts.  Says Logan, “Deimos, for a number of VERY valid reasons, is the best choice by far for early settlement”.  Their paper outlining this concept provides a convincing argument that Deimos is the most valuable piece of real estate in the solar system.

On the last day of the conference Dr. Logan presented an innovative concept for a string of O’Neill type settlements constructed in a tunnel bored straight through Deimos.  The architecture addresses the problem of radiation protection and delivers Earth normal gravity while providing an easy to get to platform for telerobotic exploration of Mars.  Videos of this presentation will be coming soon on the SSI YouTube Channel

Logan and Adamo are co-founders of the Space Enterprise Institute, which provides evidence-based research inspiring expansion of human activity in space.

Determining the Gravity Rx

Joe Carroll of Tethers Applications, Inc. delivered a presentation on a proposal for a LEO partial gravity test facility at the StarShip Congress which took place in San Diego September 13 – 15. An interesting fact is that of all the surfaces of bodies in the solar system where humans may want to build settlements, all of them have gravity similar to the Moon and Mars. Thus gravity in the solar system is “quantized” to just these two levels simplifying the testing regime. Determining the prescription needed for human health in partial gravity is a critical path research topic needed for space settlement.

Satellite servicing database

An Earth orbit service and supply industry is emerging to deliver propellant, components, and repairs, as well as the ability to transfer satellites between different orbits. SpaceFund has established a database of the companies providing these services.  Potential investors can view the database here .