Artificial gravity space settlement ground-analog

Cross sectional diagram of hypergravity vehicle with tilted cabin on track in max G orientation. Credits: Gregory Dorais / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Gregory Dorais, a research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center, has combined several existing technologies including centrifuges, tilted trains and roller coasters to devise a novel hypergravity space settlement ground-analog that could be used to study the effects of artificial gravity on humans, animals and plants for extended periods. He introduced the concept in a paper presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space 2016 Conference in Long Beach, California. Experimental results using such a facility could inform designs for orbital rotating habitats providing up to 1G of artificial gravity or even surface-based outposts on the Moon, Mars or anywhere. The facility could also study higher levels of gravity (thus the name “hypergravity”) which could be beneficial in mitigating deleterious effects of microgravity on human physiology.

Dorais’ Extended-Stay HyperGravity Facility (ESHGF) would merge technologies of centrifuges and trains, creating a 150 meter circular track with a series of connected tilting cars. The tracks could use tubular rails similar to today’s rollercoasters or eventually use magnetic levitation. An optional transfer vehicle placed on an outer concentric track is proposed where people and cargo can be moved between a depot and the hypergravity vehicles while they are in motion so that a constant velocity can be maintained without disruptive force changes during operations.

ESHGF system depicted in a complete ring configuration (not to scale). Credits: Gregory Dorais / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Hypergravity vehicle single cabin side and perspective views. Credits: Gregory Dorais / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

The interior of each car could be customized to meet the needs of its inhabitants, but would likely include all the expected functions of a thriving space colony including living quarters, agricultural facilities, marketplaces, recreational centers and much more.

The system is modular and extendable allowing the facility to start small and then expand into a variety of configurations to investigate multiple gravity level environments as sanctioned by budgets. Dorais says that the facility “… will permit research on the long-term health and behavioral effects of various artificial-gravity levels and rotation rates on humans and other life, among other things, to establish the design requirements for long-term space settlements.”

Sustainable space commerce and settlement

Artist impression of a sustainable settlement on the Moon. Credits: ESA – CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

Dylan Taylor of Voyager Space Holdings recently wrote an article in The Space Review on sustainable space manufacturing. He makes a convincing case that long-duration space missions and eventual human expansion throughout the solar system will require radical changes in the way we design, manufacture, repair and maintain space assets to ensure longevity. In addition, the cost of lifting materials out of Earth’s deep gravity well will drive sustainable technologies such as additive manufacturing in space and in situ resource utilization to reduce the mass of materials needed to be launched off our planet to support space infrastructure. In-space recycling and reuse technologies will also be needed along with robotic manufacturing, self-reparability and eventually, self-replicating machines.

But there is more to the philosophy of sustainability and its impact on the future of space activities. According to the Secure World Foundation (SWF), sustainability is essential for “Ensuring that all humanity can continue to use outer space for peaceful purposes and socioeconomic benefit now and in the long term. This will require international cooperation, discussion, and agreements designed to ensure that outer space is safe, secure and peaceful.” Much of the discussion centers around the problem of orbital debris, radio frequency interference, and accidental or irresponsible actions by space actors. SWF is active in facilitating dialog among stakeholders and international cooperation.

The National Science and Technology Council released a report in January called the National Orbital Debris Research and Development Plan. To address the issue, there are several companies about to start operations in LEO to deal with the orbital debris or in-orbit servicing. Japan based Astroscale just launched a demonstration mission of their End-of-Life Services by Astroscale (ELSA) platform to prove the technology of capturing and deorbiting satellites that have reached their end of life or other inert orbital debris.

Image of the Astroscales ELSA-d mission showing the larger servicer spacecraft releasing and preparing to dock with a “client” in a series of technical demonstrations, proving the capability to find and dock with defunct satellites and other debris. Credits Astroscale.

Even financial services and investment houses like Morgan Stanley are pushing for sustainability to reduce the risks to potential benefits emerging from the Newspace economy such as remote sensing to support food security, greenhouse gas monitoring, and renewable energy not to mention internet access for billions of people.

Sustainable operations on the Moon are being studied by several groups as the impact of exploration and development of Earth’s natural satellite is considered. Lunar dust when kicked up by rocket exhaust plumes could create hazards to space actor’s assets as well as Apollo heritage sites. SWF, along with For All Moonkind, the Open Lunar Foundation, the MIT Space Exploration Initiative and Arizona State University have teamed up on a project called the Moon Dialogs to advance interdisciplinary lunar policy directions on the mitigation of the lunar dust problem and to shape governance and coordination mechanisms among stakeholders on the lunar surface. SSP’s take on lunar dust mitigation was covered last July.

These few examples just scratch the surface. NASA, ESA and the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs have initiatives to foster sustainability in space. Humanity will need a collaborative approach where public and private stakeholders work together to ensure that the infrastructure to support near term commercial activities in space and eventual space settlement is both durable and self-sustaining.

The long-term sustainability of space. Credits: ESA / UNOOSA

Solar system rapid transit with the Direct Fusion Drive

Artist rendering of a Direct Fusion Drive nuclear rocket. Credits: Princeton Satellite Systems

A small New Jersey company called Princeton Fusion Systems (PFS) is close to developing a nuclear rocket using an innovative reactor that could also have applications that are down to Earth. Called the Princeton Field Reversed Configuration (PFRC) reactor, the system is based on over 15 years of research at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), with funding primarily by the U.S. DOE and NASA. PFS, a subsidiary of Princeton Satellite Systems, could have a space based system by the end of this decade which could significantly reduces trip times to the outer solar system and increase payload capability while ensuring a robust power source at the designation. The second iteration of the research reactor, PFRC-2, is currently undergoing testing at PPPL.

Second generation Princeton Field Reversed Configuration (PFRC-2) undergoing testing at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Credits: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

The PFRC reactor is simple, small and produces very little radiation through the fusion of deuterium and helium-3. This makes it uniquely suited for space-based applications. The field-reversed configuration is a magnetic-field geometry in which a toroidal electric current is induced in a cylindrical plasma by radio frequency (RF) heating. The plasma is confined in a “magnetic bottle” composed of a linear array of coaxial magnets. The design is compact (about the size of a minivan) as compared to some of the more complex fusion devices currently under development such as the ITER donut shaped tokamak. A Princeton Satellite Systems video explains how the PFRC reactor is used in a DFD for space applications by exhausting fusion byproducts out one end of the device through a rocket nozzle:

In May of 2019, Stephanie Thomas, a VP at Princeton Satellite Systems made a presentation at the Future In-Space Operations working group on the DFD technology. Of particular note was the slide on the product development roadmap on technology readiness for flight hardware. If all goes according to plan, fusion could be achieved in the fourth generation research reactor PFRC-4 within 5 years and a flight ready payload could be launched before this decade is out.

DFD notional roadmap to flight. Credits: Stephanie Thomas, Princeton Satellite Systems

Travel time for a 1-2 MW fusion engine and 10,000 Kg payload would be 1 year to Jupiter, 2 years to Saturn and 5 years to Pluto, a significant reduction over chemical rockets using gravity assists. Many other missions to the outer solar system and beyond have been scoped by Princeton Satellite Systems using this technology. In his thesis for a Master Degree in Aerospace Marco Gajeri used the DFD architecture to design a trajectory for a mission to Titan. This blog covered a trip to Saturn using the DFD back in 2019. An interstellar mission to Alpha Centuari has also been considered.

The PFRC reactor has a multitude of clean energy applications on Earth as well:

Update March 10, 2023: An engineering analysis of the feasibility of of the Direct Fusion Drive has just been published by Yuvraj Jain and Priyanka Desai Kakade in Acta Astronautica

Planetoid Mines completes development of ISRU Tech

Planetoid Mines Corporation’s ISRU off-world extractor. Credits: Planetoid Mines Corporation

A New Mexico based startup called Planetoid Mines Corporation has just completed development of an autonomous robotic platform for mining the moon or other extraterrestrial worlds via in situ resource utilization. The system features a multi-head icy regolith extractor that feeds directly into an ore beneficiation tool, the output of which is channeled to an onboard oven that extrudes 3D printed structures via a robotic arm.

Through a post on his LinkedIn profile, CEO Kevin DuPriest says “Our self-contained system provides end-to-end continuous mining operations with multiple excavator heads, mineral concentration through beneficiation, a pyrometallurgy oven and thermal printing head. Using lunar surface minerals the system can print landing pads, extrude fused quartz rods, large antenna arrays, etc. ISRU platform designed to fit most lunar landers.”

The company’s website highlights a solid oxide hydrogen fuel cell and steam electrolysis stack that can split lunar water into hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel while generating heat and power on-demand. There is even potential dual use benefits of the ISRU architecture for mining on Earth. The website intimates the possibility of a mission to the Moon by 2022, but provides no further details on suppliers of launch or lander services.

In a recent Tweet DuPriest announced the company is considering going public through a Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation (SPAC) and looking for partners to assist with cislunar infrastructure and logistics for mission operations.

Why space matters

Credits: Space Matters

A new YouTube channel has just been launched called Space Matters. Hosted by Rhonda Stevenson, President/CEO of the Tau Zero Foundation, the show is a weekly digest covering a wide array of current space activities, challenges and accomplishments which aims to show how our success in space will improve life on Earth. This could become an influential forum for discussion among industry leaders on how to steer humanities course toward becoming a spacefaring civilization. The first episode, a panel discussion with pillars of the space industry, aired on March 20th and featured Jeff Greason of Tau Zero and Electric Sky, Justin Kugler of Redwire Space, Grant Anderson of Paragon Space Development Corporation, Andy Aldrin of the ISU Center for Space Entrepreneurship, at FIT and Rod Pyle, editor of Ad Astra and author of Space 2.0. The group had a lively discussion on each of their contributions to space development as well as current trends in the New Space economy. Subscribe to get an update every week on why Space Matters.

A novel ablative arc mining process for ISRU

Illustration of Ablative Arc Mining Process. Credits: Amelia Greig

A NASA NIAC Phase 1 grant has been awarded to Amelia Greig of the University of Texas, El Paso to study an innovative mining technique called ablative arc mining. The process works by using a pair of electrodes to zap surface regolith with an electrical arc thereby ionizing it into its component constituents. The ablated ions are then sorted and collected by subjecting them to an electromagnetic field which separates the material groups by their respective mass. Such a system, when mounted on a mobile rover, could extract both water and metal ions in the same system.

The goal of the this grant is to identify a feasible ablative arc mining scheme for ISRU on upcoming lunar exploration sorties. The study will define the design of an ablative arc and electromagnetic transport system for extraction and collection of water, silicon, and nickel. The architecture should have an output of 10,000 kg/yr of water for use by lunar outposts or other operations. Finally, a trade study will be performed comparing the efficiency of the proposed concept against other ISRU processes such as microwave or direct solar heating which are designed to only collect a single constituent.

We’ll need ISRU methodologies to enable long-term space settlement on the Moon, Mars, in the Asteroid Belt or to support free space habitats. The ablative arc mining architecture may be an efficient alternative for extraction and collection of multiple volatile constituents in a single system when compared to methods that collect only one material at a time.

Progress on warp drives and wormholes

Artist’s concept of an Alcubierre warp drive starship. Credits: NASA via

New research is bringing us closer to understanding the physics of two modes of interstellar travel popularized in science fiction. The first is a paper by Alexey Bobrick and Gianni Martire at the Advanced Propulsion Laboratory at Applied Physics in New York on physical warp drives. Readers may remember the initial excitement of the Alcubierre warp drive and then subsequent disappointment when the devil came out of the details, namely that “negative energy” (what ever that is) and lots of it were needed to make the concept work. Even Dr. Miguel Alcubierre had doubts about the feasibility of this “unphysical” approach and moved on to different areas of research in theoretical physics such as gravitational waves and black holes, as he explained at the Starship Congress 2017 and later on The Space Show.

In this new paper the authors show that it is theoretically possible to construct a class of subluminal warp drives based on physical principles known today. Even Sabine Hossnefelder, a theoretical physicist at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, was impressed by this paper and gives a good overview in this short video.

A second line of investigation involves wormholes as shortcut conduits through spacetime. In a paper in Physical Review D, researchers Juan Maldacena and Alexey Milekhin show that with accelerations less than 20 g, a human-traversable wormhole is theoretically possible making a journey across the galaxy in less than a second! Of course the practical engineering details, not to mention discovery of an actual worm hole, remains to be realized.

Artist impression of a human traversable worm hole. Credits: TomĂ¡Å¡ MĂ¼ller via Quanta Magazine

Understanding the physics of interstellar space travel is the first step toward practical engineering solutions for the methods of transportation humanity will use in our spacefaring future. Skeptics may need reminding that there were doubters that considered the possibility of space ships carrying humans to the Moon a fantasy over 100 years ago when Tsiolkovsky and others first worked out the physics of the rocket equation.

Seeding asteroids with fungi for space habitat soil

Illustration of a process for making soil for space habitats by seeding asteroids with fungi. Credits: Jane Shevtsov

The asteroid belt will be a treasure trove of raw material for space settlers to use to build their habitats, especially the O’Neill-type rotating cylinder variety. To support plentiful green spaces and robust agricultural systems envisioned for these large scale settlements, an abundant source of fertile soil will be needed. But how could the enormous cost of bringing soil from Earth be avoided? An innovative in situ method under development by Jane Shevtsov of Trans Astronautica Corporation may provide the answer. In a just awarded NASA NIAC Phase 1 grant proposal, she explains that the envisaged soil-making process would be a “…natural fit for asteroid mining operations targeting volatiles, as they use carbonaceous asteroids and leave behind leftover regolith that should make a suitable parent material for soil production.”

The Phase 1 research will be broken down into two tasks. In Task 1 the leading fungal species will be identified for experimentation on asteroid material simulant followed by determination of soil production rates of the fungi along with the effects of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and oxygen concentration. Task 2 will explore various methods of breaking down asteroid regolith by the chosen fungi in the space environment optimizing for productivity and costs, with the ultimate goal of determining the size of a payload to support a reference mission habitat within a feasible timeframe.

In the above diagram, there are hints that the concept may use an inflatable enclosure around the asteroid to retain volatiles, reminiscent of some of the applications of the SHEPHERD asteroid capture architecture previously covered by SSP, in which a gas atmosphere within the enclosure can keep water in a liquid phase so that the asteroid provides a substrate for introduced biological agents for the generation of foodstuffs and other consumables.

Trans Astronautica has been working on their own asteroid capture method which may come in handy when used in combination with the output of Ms. Shevtsov’s project.

Cyanobacterium-Based Life-Support Systems on Mars

Diagram of a Mars based life-support system using cyanobacteria fed from in situ resources to decrease dependence on Earth-imported materials. Credits: Cyprien Verseux et al.* via Frontiers in Microbiology

A Team* of researchers at the University of Bremen, Germany has just published results of an experiment to grow cyanobacteria fed from regolith and atmospheric gases available on Mars. The study, published in the February 16 2021 issue of Frontiers in Microbiology, showed that an analog of Martian regolith consumed as a nutrient source by cyanobacteria which could then potentially be used to feed secondary heterotopic consumers downstream in a life support system producing food, oxygen, energy and recycling functions.

The results of the study indicate that a low pressure mixture of gases extracted from the Martian atmosphere would be suitable for a photobioreactor of cyanobacterium-based life-support system. More work is needed to optimize the design of such systems on Mars, such as investigating the effects of different concentrations of N2 on cyanobacteria, variation in the composition of regolith mixtures, and the transfer of nutrients from cyanobacteria to organisms downstream in the life support system.

In an email to Dr. Cyprien Verseux, the lead author on the paper, I asked about using E. Coli as a secondary consumer in the study. He responded: “We used E. coli as a model here, but it does not mean that we suggest using this bacterium specifically. The point was to show that heterotrophic organisms could be fed using cyanobacteria, which themselves could be fed using resources available on Mars. It is on purpose that we remained vague on the downstream processes: what we’re trying to develop is not a BLSS [bioregenerative life-support systems] per se, but rather a way of connecting [a] BLSS, some of which are being developed by others (see, e.g., the MELiSSA project), to resources available on Mars.”

When asked about planetary protection concerns about introducing cyanobacteria into the Martian environment even though appropriate precautions would likely be taken to completely contain the organisms within the BLSS, Dr. Verseux, said “Certainly, we need to bring the risk of outward contamination as close to zero as reasonably possible. A low pressure inner pressure is a first step: it reduces the risks related to leakage. Other potential measures include the use of several levels of confinement, and the installation of the setup far from areas of astrobiological interest.”

Dr. Verseux has more information about using green bacteria on the Red Planet on is blog Walking on Red Dust.

Artist’s rendering of a cyanobacterium-based life-support system on Mars (CyBLiSS). Credits: Sean McMahon (artistic work) and Cyprien Verseux (source)

* Authors: Cyprien Verseux, Christiane Heinicke, Tiago P. Ramalho, Jonathan Determann, Malte Duckhorn, Michael Smagin and Marc Avila – Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM), University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Worldships for interstellar space settlement

Image of an interstellar Worldship. Credits: Michel Lamontagne / Principium, Issue 32, February 2021

The feasibility of Worldships has been covered previously on SSP by The Initiative and Institute for Interstellar Studies via Principium. A new article by Michel Lamontagne on page 29 of the most recent issue examines the concept from a perspective of an interplanetary society which has harnessed fusion energy and life support systems for space settlements, while reducing costs through self replicating factories.

Such a starship is envisioned to use a deutrium/He3 fusion drive to accelerate to 1% of the speed of light completing a journey to Alpha Centauri in about 430 years. The author envisions a fleet of 3 or 4 (or more) Worldships housing about 1000 passengers each in rotating torus habitats 1,200m in diameter with artificial gravity.

Image of the interior of a worldship habitat. Credits: Michel Lamontagne / Principium, Issue 32, February 2021

Self replication is the key to this architecture. Lamontage explains: “If fully self replicating systems exist at the departure of the mission, Sprinter starships carrying self replicating machines can be sent at the same time as the Worldship flotilla departs. The Sprinters will arrive centuries before the Worldships, and the self replicating machines will have ample time to create multiple habitats, and perhaps begin to seed them with simple life forms.”

Lamontage cautions that the needed AI technology and practical self replicating machines may be more difficult to develop than predicted. The Worldship habitat ecosystems may encounter instabilities over centuries-long journeys leading to eventual breakdown of life support systems. Finally, rapid technological advances may lead to advanced propulsion schemes or other opportunities that would make a Worldship obsolete before getting started.