Cathedrals as analogs for planning generation starships

The Nauvoo generation starship from the SF thriller The Expanse. Credits:

Generation starships have been proposed for eventual settlement of the galaxy. How will such a long term project be planned and carried out? What will be the mechanisms for financing the venture. How will stakeholders be organized and managed? Large scale multi-decade (or century) historical building projects such as cathedrals can be studied as an analog for lessons learned to inform future interstellar missions. Andreas M. Hein of the Initiative for Interstellar Studies has explored this topic in a paper recently posted on the arXiv preprint server, with interesting conclusions on modular architecture, minimum viable product and recommendations on long term financial stability.

Artemis 8 – Dragon to the Moon

Artist depiction of SpaceX Crew Dragon in Lunar Orbit. Credits: Bruce Irving/Flickr

Robert Zubrin advocates for a quick decision by NASA and the National Space Council on a mission using SpaceX hardware to put a Dragon capsule in orbit around the Moon before the end of the year. In a letter to Jim Bridenstine and Scott Pace, he suggests lofting a crew to low Earth orbit in a Crew Dragon using a Falcon 9 launch vehicle. This would be followed up by launching a Falcon Heavy for rendezvous in LEO with its upper stage containing surplus propellant. The Falcon Heavy upper stage could then propel the Dragon to the Moon in an “Apollo 8” type mission ending with a splashdown of Dragon in the ocean.

Only slight modifications would need to be made to the Dragon to carry enough oxygen for a 6 day journey. The capsule is already designed for Earth capture from a Mars trajectory so return from the Moon should not be a problem. Zubrin’s proposal was sent in a memo to the NASA Administrator and the Executive Secretary of the National Space council on June 30, and reprinted in the Space Review July 6. Such a demonstration could inspire the nation and initiate validation of essential cislunar infrastructure toward settlement of the Moon.

Detection of alien Von Neumann micro probes in the galaxy

You Should Know What The Fermi Paradox is Before Reading The Dark Forest |
Artist concept of Von Neumann probes. Credits:

A common theme in science fiction is the application of John von Neumann’s concept of self replicating machines to colonize the galaxy. Now in a recent paper posted on the arXiv preprint server, Z. Osmanov has analyzed the spread and potential for detection of tiny versions of these robots as they move through our galaxy’s molecular hydrogen clouds harvesting material to reproduce. Calculations show that swarms of the probes would emit energy in the infrared part of the spectrum and might be bright enough for potential detection by the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).

Human missions to Mercury and Saturn augmented by in situ resource utilization

A nuclear thermal rocket concept. Credits: NASA/Wired

In a paper presented at the 8th Symposium on Space Resource Utilization (2016), Bryan Palaszewski analyzes multiple mission architectures for human voyages to the inner and outer solar system. The planet Mercury has permanently shadowed craters at its poles which likely contain frozen water enabling ice mining for rocket propellant and oxygen for breathable air to sustain settlements. The outer planets and their moons are reservoirs of significant amounts of useful gases such as hydrogen, helium 3, methane, ethane, and ammonia which can be utilized as in-situ resources. Through nuclear propulsion and living off the land with ISRU, travel times can be reduced and payloads increased for both robotic and human missions. With a positive vision for eventual space settlement, Palaszewski concludes the paper with “These technological innovations will enable Krafft Ehricke’s vision of a polyglobal civilization“.

Paragon selected by NASA to develop lunar water collection and purification system

Image Credit: NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center

Paragon Space Development Corporation, a subcontractor for Dynetics which is one of the three companies NASA has selected to begin work on designs for human lunar landers, was just awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I grant to develop its ISRU Collector of Ice in a Cold Lunar Environment or ICICLE. The system will use a cold trap for collecting and purifying water from ice mining the permanently shadowed regions of the lunar poles. The purification and collection of lunar water is a critical step in generating in-situ propellant, breathable oxygen, and potable water for space settlements and the cislunar economy.

The logistics of dining off Earth

Artist concept of dining in space. Credits: Disney/Eater

In a recent Twitter thread Kevin Cannon shares his thoughts on the logistics of feeding an expanding population as humans settle other worlds. His “food quality” model compares different food preparation venues in an effort to highlight the challenges of feeding folks in in remote locations such as space settlements (and no, there likely won’t be food trucks in space).

Rough index of “food quality”. Credits: Kevin Cannon / Twitter

The obvious goal is sustainable, high frequency food replenishment utilizing in situ resource utilization (ISRU). Cannon recently published a paper in which he modeled the calorie needs and land requirements for a martian settlement that reaches a population of one million people becoming self-sufficient within a hundred years. A wealth of research relevant to space settlement can be found at his website

The approaching emergence of the suborbital space tourism market

SpaceShipTwo Unity Released From VMS Eve for Second Glide Flight in New Mexico. Image © Virgin Galactic 2020

In a paper in New Space, Ken Davidian summarizes his research on the human suborbital spaceflight market and how the data fit within the innovation process ‘‘fireworks’’ model toward eventual industry emergence. He finds that the suborbital tourism market is past the initial emergence stages close to actual commercial operation, which will commence when any company flies a customer in exchange for a purchased fare. To date, Virgin Galactic is the closest to this key milestone. Space tourism may be a key economic driver that will enable eventual space settlement.

Number of reported flight reservations on the Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo vehicle. Credits: Ken Davidian / New Space (2020)

Beyond Earth Institute publishes policy recommendations to accelerate space settlement

Illustration of an early space settlement. Credits: Beyond Earth Institute, Inc.

The newly formed nonprofit just issued their June 2020 BE Report outlining what steps need to be taken by government and industry in the areas of export controls, best practices and multilateral agreements to foster a future where millions of people will be living and working in space, while in compliance with the Outer Space Treaty.